I know the title may be a little hard to understand but i mean in the point that he is a good president when u take the economy and the laws he has made not the things he has said. Please dont try and bring up something he has said to women or transgenders you will just look stupid
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Trump is a good president in the case of actualy being a president
Trump is a good president in the case of actualy being a president
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Trump has revoked the rights of millions. He is not a good president, he makes be ashamed to call myself American.
@Franky Acosta
But if i pay 5% of my taxes and say you, a millionaire earned a million a year and paid 5% wouldn't it be most fair that way? That way anybody can make a better quality of life for themselves and they paid their fair share just as everybody else. Also the rich could use all the money the gov't takes and give it to charities, it'd be a way of making sure the gov't doesn't get too much power by directing where your money goes yourself. Also spending bills, people will be more carefull and spend less money on useless things.
I agree, he's handling the Coronavirus well and not causing a panic, it could be much worse.
I disagree. His tax cuts for the rich, reducing or cutting funding for many important government agencies, gutting the ACA are just some things i can think of that are bad for this country.