Love him or hate him, he's our president. What did you guys think about how he served the United States during his first term?
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Edited: Feb 16, 2019
Thoughts on Trump's first term as President?
Thoughts on Trump's first term as President?
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Trump lowered my taxes (enough to buy a jacuzzi). Trump got us back in space in American rockets. Trump got signed peace agreements in the Middle East. Trump got the troops the first pay raise they had seen in years. Trump had minority unemployment at the lowest rates ever recorded. Trump kept my family safe and prosperous... and that's all I really need from any President.
I've yet to see anyone manipulate more people in my life time. Truth was absent, facts were vacant and he created the biggest con on America in a century. I've never seen a nationally elected leader who has done more damage. We have never been more divided. Economy in the tank, a pandemic raging, and distrust for our institutions. We have a huge hole to climb out of and Donnie has a lot of responsibility. Ultimately, we were duped and let him spin us. Sad.. Time to get to work.
Ya, thats why there are so many protest,,, because Trump has done such a great job of race relations.... Not even a Trump supporter can buy into that one
Quick reminder, I'm not responding until tomorrow, I 'don't' want to do something that I 'will' regret.
I am just going to point out that you still have put forth 0 evidence, Facts don't care about your feelings.
you are just a typical leftist, whenever someone disagrees with you you just shut them down by saying "well you are white just shut up" you are a racist, and just plain ignorant for believing the 26 people without evidence of Trump assaulting them.
Trump has had the lowest unemployment for Black Americans in history, before the ridiculous riots and virus pushed by the Liberals he had built the greatest economy In world history, he has also made historic peace deals in the Middle East, how could anyone in their right mind not vote for him?
Started Black Lives Matter, put children in cages, separated them from their families, sent them back to the country they were leaving, doing nothing about children // women getting raped and killed, ****. How much more do I have to get this through your thick ash head!? He is the worst president we've ever had. Hecc, I haven't even been here long, since the start of Obama's first presidency, and I frcking hate him. oh yeah, and also started WWIII, while Covid cases were popping up so . .
He is ruining this country. He put children into cages, then after they go missing or get sexually abused. He made those children stand trial. He also stole from a cancer charity with his oldest son and now they both cannot run any charity in New York City. You can go check for yourself its public documents. He is horrible ....
Anyone who can critically think and are not weak-minded predicted how dangerous he would be if elected. Consequently, he assumed office during one of the most unique periods of American history where competent leadership was needed. He was barely skating by prior to COVID, and his true lack of leadership has been magnified due to the pandemic. Additionally, his desire to divide the nation has spread like cancer in the U.S. and has also been magnified in recent weeks. What is most unbelievable is the notion that this is only what has occurred this year. His constant antics are used to divert the attention of American citizens from other acts of idiocy. Let us not forget that this President was impeached for asking a foreign nation to interfere in our elections. Although some may believe the impeachment is debatable and a"hoax," the American public will never be able to debate about it, because of the spineless Senate Republicans who refused to allow witnesses in his trial. Logically, it would make sense to have a trial with testimonies, but not in the age of Trump and his sheep in the House and Senate. Can you imagine the O.J. Simpson trial without any witnesses? Even those around Trump who have been prosecuted such as Roger Stone had witness testimonies. Additionally, we are talking about a man praises and befriends foreign dictators as the leader of the free world. He took credit for a successful economy and low unemployment rate that was driven by the Obama presidency and makes sure to downplay his predecessor at every chance he gets, thus, manipulating the weak-minded. He has put the United States at risk with his trigger-happy mentality and the need to politically flex for other world leaders. Ironically, his policies do not help the majority of his supporters which might be the most astonishing part about this whole presidency. He is a leech on their emotions and for some, their antiquated belief systems. Hate has never left the U.S., however, he was the key to open the box of letting hate be acceptable. As far as my thoughts on the first term are concerned, I do not believe America can survive a second term if it wants a chance to be the America that the nation and world needs. We were not perfect before, but we are heading towards the bottom and the further we sink, the less likely we will be able to come out of this dark cloud of hatred and tyranny.
President Trump created 4.7 million jobs in his first three years. That's a 3.1% increase over the 152.2 million people working at the end of Obama's term.
President Trump and his Republican Administration have indeed Made America Great Again. See for yourself at:
In term of politics he should watch what he promises or end up like hong kong where the people built up their anger and now retaliate with such a high force.Although he may be good in term as for how to run a country but his ways his humanity,hate on certain religions,the lack of respect for a another human other than his supporters.
Many of you seem to be very confused. Supporting Trump just because he's President is not patriotic. Anyone who does that is a sheep, and you blindly follow Trump because he's your shepherd. He's a reprehensible human being to say the least. He's a pathological liar (see every time he speaks or tweets), he's a thief (see his charity scandal in New York), he's a fraud (see every business he's ever had), and most importantly he's a traitor (see Ukraine scandal).
Personally, I am a social democrat and for many reasons I strongly dislike Trumps term as president. Where should I start. For one, on social issues he has attacked the LGBTQ community many times from the trans military ban to trying to make it legal for businesses to discriminate based on sexual orientation. Economically people tend to praise him but just because stocks look promising and unemployment is down doesn't mean much. Many of the jobs are low wage jobs and wealth inequality is worse than it has been in decade (for the record Obama is a lot to blame as well). On foreign issues he one of the worst alongside George W Bush. Just a recent example is Iran. The general assassinated was not an intimate threat to the American homeland like Trump claimed and if being a threat to the region in which troops are stationed is ground for a drone strike on a top general, then Iran should be striking all of our bases that shouldn't be there in the first place. On top of it all, Trump promised to bring troops home and claimed that the assassination was meant to prevent war even though it will likely lead to war. Lastly, he is just corrupt across the board and is incapable of picking a stable administration.
Impeach Nancy Pelosi