how can we continue to defend a president that says hateful things, when does it stop? it seems like no matter what he does people still defend him, people also say well saying the "n word" is just fine, no one cares, try laughing, well if your goal is to act like a asshole to stop political correctness its wrong, they say oh liberals are weak well i can turn into a asshole if thats what everyone wants i will show you, they think they can say whatever they want and its okay because they dont like political correctness, i just talked to a guy earlier saying whites are superior how can we ignore whats going on?
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If Trump was racist he would not be our president. The mainstream media always unfairly portrays Donald Trump as racist, because they know that will make people dislike him and vote for who the liberal media wants as president. Why would you fall for this trap, it's pathetic, also the "N word" is a horrible derogatory term that was used by Andrew Cuomo. To be fair, he was saying it for historical accuracy, but did not need to actually say the word. So if you're going to post a comment like that you should be prepared for the blasting of your hypocrisy by the conservative and logical movement.
Some guy says "whites a superior" and suddenly there's an epidemic? Nah, the number of white supremacists has gone down big time over the years. I think it's down to below a few thousand in a country of 320 million.
Meanwhile, while Trump can certainly be brash and have a foul mouth, so does the rest of pop culture. I'm not sure why there is an outrage here. Democrats today are cussing up a storm, presidential candidates. They aren't ridiculed, but Trump is. It's pretty obvious this is just a media double standard that you're biting into.
they also say well blacks are racist too so who cares if whites racist, well racism i still bad no matter who it is