I love learning history and I like to get other perspectives. Most recently I had a conversation with my friend whom is African American, and I think that my perspectives or the fact that it's something I was interested in talking about offended her because the next day she didnt talk to me and seemed angry with me. From my personal experiences, conversations, and interest in learning, I dont believe racism is a one way street. Is there a difference between white racism and black racism? Absolutely, but regardless of those differences, racism is the idea that one race is superior to another, but the only group that is truly superior in the sense they have control is what we call the "white man" which a term for the system that has set us against one another from the beginning . Anyways during my conversation with my friend the topic of African american kings and queens came up, and I was told that white people can not be kings or queens because the first kings and queens were the Egyptians and their skin was dark............😮it was an upsetting comment and I felt like I was being told that I was just a peasant because of the color of my skin...... so I ask why would a race that has experienced that same feeling and disregard make another person feel that way?....... sorry this post was a little everywhere but I just want to get thoughts and opinions, let's have a real conversation without being disrespectful, we can learn from each other, and we can agree to disagree without being statistics........
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I want to discuss the most controversial topic, racism.
I want to discuss the most controversial topic, racism.
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You're correct. The Postmodern idea that the west has risen to greatness because of racism and that the success of the west is due to the exploitation of other races is absurd. It is well known that the rise to dominance of the west and specifically in the US was due to a free market system and classical liberalism. I find it hilarious when people seem to believe that the only group that has been racists throughout history was white people. Indians, Persians, Africans and Chinese people all engaged in slavery as well, and the idea that the west was the sole racists in the world is absurd.
The other comment that someone posted here talks about being "White" as a philosophy. That is an extremely racists comment and should not be tolerated, seeing as it borders on hate speech.
Unless you think I'm being purposely nefarious I'm pretty sure you realize that I believe in what I say as the correct method and not a motivation to be intolerant. Also keep in mind I said that white black paradigm exists as the issue not skin color. Terms like tribalism and plantation mentality to me are a new way to create an effect of negating both the consequences and the true history of racism. Its bottom line exists ultimately as telling oppressed people the real reason they suffer is because they are simply inferior and not because of the history of oppression as it connects to the present. Then they are adomished to stop being inferior and execpt the opressors narritive. Not in this lifetime with all respect. With a new influx of people coming here from all over the world I believe the narrative and the paradigm ultimately will be altered. Along with many people born here who disagree with current status quo this will be the new majority.
Keep in mind when I use the word white I don't mean white people. I mean white paradigm ideology or even a white culture. To me a black person can be white if they adhere to the cultere. Philosophically white.White paradigm puts white culture at the center of the power structure by way of innovation, art,achievement and righteous cause. Really white culture attained its place in America by way of war and racism including genocide against non whites. Of course in this country whites are the founders of this republic but this republic though founded in the spirit of individual liberty,was also founded on racism that still exists today. No longer is institutionalised racism a problem. However the current racism of a more philosophical nature has the potential to be just as destructive as the institutional type. It's final logical conclusion that our problems are solved and now we can move on means that current status quo remains indefinitely. Both cultural and social ideals must and probably will be altered I believe.