Can we forget about racism, Who's right who's wrong, religion, color etc... and just think about what we think is going to happen in the future. Some people believe the end of time is coming near which is when the world will end and some say it will go on and this is just the beginning. There have been signs that say the end of time is coming or maybe its just a chance, but could we just think about it. We all will die someway and others will live on, but the world is still changing around us so what will we eventually have to live in?
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The world isn't exactly gonna end, it's just gonna change a lot, for the better or for the worst. Yeah, we'll all die at some point, but it won't be because of the world ending any time soon. Besides, it's just the U.S that might have trouble. An yeah, racism is bad, especially right now, and I wish the police would just stop to think for a second and realize what they're doing, and think about the innocent people they're hurting, killing, and scaring. Maybe this will end soon, maybe it won't. But if you are black and you're reading this, just know that millions of people are praying for you, and trying our best to make things fair.
OK, so first of all racism is still a big deal and I bet some people are still protesting about black lives matter. Predictive policing take that for example I am not gonna get into so you can go and find out about yourself. The world ending thats insane it wont end for a long time so what your saying is just your theory give me specific quotes or name a specific or just give me something about the world ending where did you here that. The world will not be ending for a long time god will decide when.
a world with no rights ... this covid BS that everyone believes in is leading to it!