Do a person lose their value if that person lose virginity before marriage because of other than his life partner
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Respect of a person depend on his actions or not
Respect of a person depend on his actions or not
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Women have less value when acting whoreish. It defies their biological nature to be selective and nurturing, this is why "whores" are repulsive to most people. Men, on the other hand, are geared to sow their oats far and wide, which is why men are not as shamed for being promiscuous.
Respect is earned. Courtesy is free.
If you are racist, sexist, misogynistic, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, bigoted ect. my respect for you is automatically in the minus numbers.
NO !!!!!! Wimins cannot resist my "Dance of Love"
Lying is a part of the Human condition. Not acknowledging this is the ultimate lie. How you alter a relationship in the wake of being lied to is the difficult process. Sexism has repressed many women to disavow themselves to their personal truth. Men have done this because by and large they fear women. Men are terrified of women's true desires. So we have represssed them until we made ourselves weak.
In my personal opinion no one should be judged nor lost in respect due to a personal choice. However committing a dangerous crime is to another extent, but for now lets be reasonable. In the example you gave it would be very wrong of someone to lose respect for someone based on that choice. This day in age people make this choice at a wide range of their lifespan, and it's way too diverse to pin point when they should and shouldn't make that decision. Never think that you would lose your value in such ways. Everyone is entitled to that kind of freedom! Sprinkle holy water on those that beg to differ.