This is something that many people disagree on. Some people say nobody should have guns. Others say that we can have all the guns we want. My opinion is this. Taking away guns would only cause chaos in the country. If the governments outlaw guns then that would mean nobody would be able to own a gun. The Government would have to take away everybody's guns. I tell you what if the police showed up at my door demanding my guns, I would not want to give them the possessions that I use to defend myself. There would be riots and chaos throughout the US if the government decided to outlaw guns.
Now I don't believe that you should be able to have a gun like an assault rifle. I think only the military should have something like that. Look at it this way. People blame guns for violence. But the gun is just a tool, you use a gun like you would use a screwdriver. Because you're not going to chase down a deer an kill it with your bare hands. It is just an easier way of doing things. Is a knife evil? Only if the person holding it is. So what is the solution? Make it hard for people that would use a gun to harm others. Have a background check for people that want to buy a gun. If they have a history of violence, don't let them buy a gun. There is never only one path, one choice, the only trouble is finding that solution to the problem. With every problem, give it enough thought and time and there is always a solution.
By the way, guns are a wonderful hobby. There is nothing more fun than joining with some other good folks, going out into the boonies, setting up targets, and having some fun competition. Add a picnic to the fresh sir and comeraderie, and it can't be beat.
"Gun control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound."
When seconds count, police take minutes.
i believe in gun control i think that the problem is some people believe that gun control means no guns but in reality its more backround checks more security and overall more saftey if we keep guns away from the nut jobs like school shooters a lot of people would be alive.
We have THE RIGHT to be armed and the right to use whatever amount of violence required to defend our rights and secure our freedom.
gun goods
You need to grow up ther in your precious US of A. Do you realize you are the only country in the world with a persistent gun violence issue? I'm talking civilized countries, not warzones or Africa. You know how you defend yourself in Europe? Call the authorities, which you're paying for through taxes. And since it is really hard to own a gun around here, most of the times you don't need to worry you're gonna get shot. You'd have to be in cahoots with some really shady people to run such risk.
So, dear Americans - give up your guns, fund police training instead of arms race with your own folk, and I promise you'd be better
Of course not. I never said that guns should be taken away. I said that they should not be taken away. That it would only bring chaos to the U.S if guns were outlawed.
I agree with you.
Let me just start by saying this. It is not the guns who kill people. Guns are inanimate objects that just so happen to fire a metal fragment at 1,000 miles a minute to instantly penetrate objects with the speed of sound. But it is not the guns killing people. It is the people who posses such weapons which they should not. So let me ask you this do you think it'd be a good idea to take all weapons away from ever united states citizen? What if a war starts where the military isn't how are the citizens going to protect themselves? By throwing bricks and pans at people with guns who give no fucks about their target? So I ask you this Luke would it be fare to the men and women who spend their hard earned money to purchase a weapon of self defense, and self right protected by the second amendment (the right to bare arms) if we started taking those weapons away from them?