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All these movies with all or mostly women casts trending recently needs to stop because it is forced.
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Sep 05, 2020
Okay so what I understand from your point is you think Hollywood is making uninteresting movies because they actually show women in a powerful light rather than the cliché damsel in distress roles they have been given for centuries in the entertainment industry. And how does someone’s looks contribute to a plot? What was your point on that?
Male Privilege
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Sep 05, 2020
1. When a woman is sexually promiscuous she is seen as a slut whereas with men in most cases they are praised 2. women get payed less on the fact that they are women. There is literally no excuse for that because women can do anything guys do if the excuse is them having children, many women try to postpone having children for success in work which is messed up. 3. The word feminist is sometimes associated with negative views on men which also sucks 4. Dress codes are designed to make women ashamed of their bodies and make cover themselves up because they look “distracting” but women don’t dress to attract attention from men these are just a few points on why male privilege exists and I haven’t even mentioned the violence towards women and how several countries‘ laws try to pin the fault on women instead of the actual people that commit the crimes. In conclusion the patriachy exists and no matter how successful a woman is she will always be seen as just a woman.
Abortion should be illegal
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Sep 05, 2020
I feel like the question people should be asking regarding abortion is if the fetus is sentient; can the fetus feel pain and/ or is it aware of its surrounding. If a fetus can’t feel pain, it’s surroundings or even feel emotion then I don’t believe it should be classified as murder because in that sense the fetus is just a clump of cells NOT A HUMAN BEING. Therefore it shouldn’t be illegal if none of the “people” involved in the abortion are set at a disadvantage or harmed in any way. In conclusion, women should have the choice in what happens to their bodies as long as no one is hurt. P.S there’s much more I could say but I’m not going to unless this gets post attention.
BLACKS rape 79 year old woman
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Sep 05, 2020
If you feel the need to specify the race of the person committing the crime that shows that there is some racist intent behind this comment. In addition to this all races commit crimes and just because someone is one ethnicity does not make them more violent or more likely to commit a crime.
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